Privacy Policy and Terms

Terms of Business

1 - Terms of Business

BETWEEN: The Service Provider - The Hidden K9 (The Hidden K9 Limited) 71-75 Shelton Street - London - WC2H 9JQ

AND The Client - Details stored electronically (together the “Parties”)

The Client wishes to engage the Service Provider and the Service Provider agrees to undertake the services (hereafter referred to as the “Services”) as set out in the Booking Form in accordance with the policy and procedures document (“Policies and Procedures”) and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Any reference to pets in this Agreement shall refer to those specified on the Booking Form.

2 - Commencement Date and Duration

This Agreement shall commence on acceptance of the first booking using our online service application or any other means. Acceptance and signature of this agreement is carried out within the online service application and acceptance of these terms are deemed binding by both parties once the first booking has been approved.

3 - Services

The Service Provider shall perform the Services in an attentive, reliable and caring manner, using all reasonable skill and care, having due regard to the Policies & Procedures and any relevant information set out in the online service application.

The Service Provider shall act in accordance with all reasonable instructions given to it by the Client provided such instructions are compatible with the specification of Services provided in the Policies and Procedures.

The Service Provider shall be responsible for ensuring that it complies with all statutes, regulations, bye-laws, standards, code of conduct and any other rules relevant to the provision of Services.

4 - Client’s Obligations - The Client Shall

Use all reasonable endeavours to provide all pertinent information to the Service Provider necessary for the Service Provider’s provision of the Services. Authorise the Service Provider to carry out the Services. Ensure that the information provided to the Service Provider is true to the best of his information, knowledge and belief. Confirm that all vaccinations, treatments, licences, permits etc which he is obliged to have by law arising from the ownership of the pet have been obtained and provide such details for inspection where required. Issue reasonable instructions to the Service Provider in relation to the Service Provider’s provision of Services. Any such instructions should be compatible with the specification of Services provided in the Policies and Procedures. Be responsible for all medical expenses and damages resulting from any injury to the Service Provider, its employees and agents, or to other persons by the pet. Fully indemnify the Service Provider in respect of costs and damages arising from any claim from any person suffering either injury or death caused by the Client’s pet. Authorise the Service Provider to arrange for any emergency veterinary care that may be necessary during the provision of its Services. The Service Provider shall use all reasonable efforts to obtain the Client’s consent prior to obtaining emergency care. Agree to reimburse the Service Provider for any additional fees and expenses for providing emergency care. The Client further agrees to cover the cost of additional visits which may be necessary to ensure the pet’s safety or to monitor the pet’s progress in recovering from sickness or injury. The Service Provider shall use its best efforts to use the pet’s normal Veterinary Surgeon where ever possible. The Client authorises the Service Provider to appoint an alternative Veterinary Surgeon to examine the pet and carry out such treatment or surgery as may be appropriate if the pet’s normal Veterinary Surgeon is not available.

Ensure that the Service Provider has access to the Client’s home or other specified location at the times to be agreed between the Service Provider and the Client. Any delay in the provision of Services resulting from the Client’s failure or delay in complying with any of the provisions in this Clause 3 shall not be responsibility or fault of the Service Provider.

5 - Fees and Payment

The Service Provider will charge the Client for the Services as quoted in the post consultation email - Fees are payable in Full at the time of booking. We may agree a payment plan to clients and in these cases all payments need to be made before the Booking start time. We only accept online payments - we use a secure payment processor and are compliant with all relevant legislation for data and financial security.

6 - Refund Policy and Standard Fees


1 - You are entitled to a 14 day cooling off period. This period starts one day after you have made the payment. If you cancel your contract within this period we will refund your payment in full less our standard administration fee.

2 - If you cancel your contract after the 14 day cooling off period and with at least 14 days notice prior to your scheduled service date we will refund you 50% of the fee paid.

3 - If you cancel with less than 14 days notice prior to your scheduled service date no refund will be due.

4 - Where a client delays or postpones an appointment the terms for rescheduling will apply - additionally no refund will be due if the client postpones / delays the booked appointment and then subsequently cancels the contract.


1 - Bookings rescheduled with notice of more than 14 days of the Booking Start time will incur no rebooking fee.

2 - Bookings rescheduled with notice of less than 14 days of the Booking Start time will incur a Standard Re-Booking Fee

Standard Fees

1 - Standard Administration fee - £50

2 - Standard Re-Booking Fee - 50% of the fee paid

7 - Bookings Cancellations and Amendments

Cancellations and Rescheduling must be done by email to

Failure to do this will mean no refund is due.

8 - Termination

This Agreement can be terminated by;

By the Client - by emailing us.

By the Service Provider - by email to the clients registered email address.

The agreement can only be terminated provided that the client has settled all outstanding fees.

9 - Insurance

The Service Provider shall ensure that it has in place at all times suitable and valid insurance that shall include Public Liability Insurance relative to the services performed for the Client.

It is agreed by the Parties that it is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that the property, its contents and pets are adequately insured throughout the duration of the Agreement.

10 - Indemnity and liability

The Service Provider shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Client resulting from the Client’s failure to follow any instructions given by the Service Provider including but not limited to any insurance excess or out of pocket uninsured losses.

The Client shall accept full liability and responsibility for any event occurring or arising from the behaviour or characteristics of their pet.

The Client will indemnify the Service Provider against any damage or injury caused by the pet towards any property, person or other animal, this will include, but is not limited to veterinary, medical and legal fees.

The Service Provider shall not be responsible for any damage caused to the Client’s property or possessions or that of others caused by the Client’s pet during the period the pet is in its care. The Client agrees to indemnify the Service Provider against any such claims as may be made against it arising out of or in connection with this Clause. The Service Provider accepts no responsibility or liability for the security of the Client’s property or premises, or any loss or damage which may be sustained as the result of action taken by third parties who also have access to the Client’s property or premises either before, during or after expiry of this Agreement. The Service Provider shall not be liable for the injury, loss, death or any legal actions whether civil or criminal, any fines or legal penalties that may be imposed on pets or their responsible guardian, who gain unsupervised access to the outdoors, or within any other enclosed spaces, if the Service Provider has not used all reasonable care for the supervision of the pet whilst in their immediate care or provision of the services. This may include incidents of pets escaping from their designated or restrained areas or unexpected bolting.

The Service Provider will care for your pet as the Client would, and whilst the Service Provider will make every effort to ensure the safety of the pet and ensure that the pet is well looked after in the Client's absence, the Service Provider cannot be held liable for any loss, illness or injury of any pet whilst in the Service Provider’s care, nor for any death of a pet unless the Service Provider can be shown to be negligent. The Client is responsible for any veterinary bills, no matter how they are incurred, whilst pets are in the care of the Service Provider. Where possible the service provider will assist the client where any such losses are caused by another animal in the care of the service provider at the time.

Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude the Service Provider’s liability for death or personal injury.

The Client will fully disclose in the online service application and details relevant to the behaviour, character or other issues with the dogs behaviour that may cause concern for the safety or enjoyment of any person or other animal which may be encountered during the service provision. This includes aggression, poor lead manners such as pulling, or other behaviour that causes concern. Should any pet become aggressive or dangerous whilst in the care of the Service Provider, the Service Provider shall, in their sole discretion take whatever action they consider necessary in the best interest of the animal, other animals or people which may be encountered. This may, without limitation, include: a refusal to offer the Services and immediate termination of this Agreement; Obtaining assistance from a Vet, the R.S.P.CA or the police; placing the pet in a boarding kennel or other facility for it’s own welfare; Any fees and costs incurred in taking action shall be directly chargeable to and recoverable from the Client. The Service Provider shall not be liable to the Client for any refund of Fees where the Client has not specified the behaviour and characteristics of the pet in the online service application and the Service Provider terminates this Agreement as a result thereof,

11 - Force Majeure

Neither party shall be liable in damages or have the right to terminate this Agreement for any delay or default in performing its obligations under this Agreement caused by conditions beyond its control including but not limited to acts of God, war, strikes, fires, floods, governmental restrictions or power failures.

The Party (the “Affected Party”) prevented from carrying out its obligations shall give notice to the other Party of an Event of Force Majeure upon it being foreseen by, or becoming known to, the Affected Party.

12 - Assignment

The Service Provider shall be entitled to perform any of the obligations undertaken by it through any other member of its group or through suitably qualified and skilled sub-contractors and it’s employees. Any act or omission of such other member or sub-contractor shall, for the purposes of this Agreement, be deemed to be an act or omission of the Service Provider.

13 - Data Protection

The Service Provider shall not use or pass to a third party (other than information needed by a carer to perform their duties) any sensitive or private data or information about the owners of the pet. Any and all information relating to the client, their property and pet(s) will be stored in accordance with the data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPRs) wherever the need arises.

14 - Entire Agreement

This Agreement, along with the online services application Procedures, Veterinary Release Form (Part on the service agreement constitute the sole and entire agreement between the Parties, and supersedes all prior agreements, representations and understandings of the Parties written or verbal. Any alteration of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both Parties.

15 - Notices

Any notice required to be served under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be served by hand, post or electronic mail.

Notices shall be deemed served:

upon delivery, when delivered by hand,

upon accepting delivery by signed receipt post/courier, when delivered by using a ‘signed for upon delivery’ postal service or courier.

immediately following transmission, if by electronic mail provided the sender does not receive a non-delivery message.

16 - Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement, its formation and any contractual disputes, claims or interpretation shall be construed and governed in accordance with the courts of England & Wales and the Parties hereby agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Any delay in either party enforcing its contractual or legal rights shall not prejudice, restrict or prevent the right of any injured party suffering a loss to enforce its rights at a later date or later breach. Any such action must be brought in line with the Civil Procedure Rules regarding the Statute of Limitations in respect of any such action.

Privacy Policy

1. Our Website and Our Commitment

1.1 We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors and service users.

1.2 This policy applies where we are acting as a data controller with respect to the personal data of our website visitors and service users; in other words, where we determine the purposes and means of the processing of that personal data.

1.3 We use cookies on our website. Insofar as those cookies are not strictly necessary for the provision of our website and services, we will ask you to consent to our use of cookies when you first visit our website.

1.4 Our website incorporates privacy controls which affect how we will process your personal data. By using the privacy controls, you can specify whether you would like to receive direct marketing communications and limit the publication of your information. You can access the privacy controls via URL.

1.5 In this policy, "we", "us" and "our" refer to Colin Webster. For more information about us, see Section 12.

2. How we use your personal data

2.1 In this Section 2 we have set out:

(a) the general categories of personal data that we may process;

(b) in the case of personal data that we did not obtain directly from you, the source and specific categories of that data;

(c) the purposes for which we may process personal data; and

(d) the legal bases of the processing.

2.2 We may process data about your use of our website and services ("usage data"). The usage data may include your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths, as well as information about the timing, frequency and pattern of your service use. The source of the usage data is our analytics tracking system. This usage data may be processed for the purposes of analysing the use of the website and services. The legal basis for this processing is consent OR our legitimate interests, namely monitoring and improving our website and services OR specify basis.

2.3 We may process your account data ("account data"). The account data may include your name and email address. The source of the account data is you or your employer. The account data may be processed for the purposes of operating our website, providing our services, ensuring the security of our website and services, maintaining back-ups of our databases and communicating with you. The legal basis for this processing is consent OR our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of our website and business OR the performance of a contract between you and us and/or taking steps, at your request, to enter into such a contract OR specify basis.

2.4 We may process your information included in your personal profile on our website ("profile data"). The profile data may include your name, address, telephone number, email address, profile pictures, gender, date of birth, relationship status, interests and hobbies, educational details and employment details. The profile data may be processed for the purposes of enabling and monitoring your use of our website and services. The legal basis for this processing is consent OR our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of our website and business OR the performance of a contract between you and us and/or taking steps, at you request, to enter into such a contract OR specify basis.

2.5 We may process your personal data that are provided in the course of the use of our services ("service data"). The service data may include specify data. The source of the service data is you or your employer. The service data may be processed for the purposes of operating our website, providing our services, ensuring the security of our website and services, maintaining back-ups of our databases and communicating with you. The legal basis for this processing is consent OR our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of our website and business OR the performance of a contract between you and us and/or taking steps, at your request, to enter into such a contract OR specify basis.

2.6 We may process information that you post for publication on our website or through our services ("publication data"). The publication data may be processed for the purposes of enabling such publication and administering our website and services. The legal basis for this processing is consent OR our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of our website and business OR the performance of a contract between you and us and/or taking steps, at your request, to enter into such a contract OR specify basis.

2.7 We may process information contained in any enquiry you submit to us regarding goods and/or services ("enquiry data"). The enquiry data may be processed for the purposes of offering, marketing and selling relevant goods and/or services to you. The legal basis for this processing is consent OR specify basis.

2.8 We may process information relating to our customer relationships, including customer contact information ("customer relationship data"). The customer relationship data may include your name, your employer, your job title or role, your contact details, and information contained in communications between us and you or your employer. The source of the customer relationship data is you or your employer. The customer relationship data may be processed for the purposes of managing our relationships with customers, communicating with customers, keeping records of those communications and promoting our products and services to customers. The legal basis for this processing is consent OR our legitimate interests, namely the proper management of our customer relationships OR specify basis.

2.9 We may process information relating to transactions, including purchases of goods and services, that you enter into with us and/or through our website ("transaction data"). The transaction data may include your contact details, your card details and the transaction details. The transaction data may be processed for the purpose of supplying the purchased goods and services and keeping proper records of those transactions. The legal basis for this processing is the performance of a contract between you and us and/or taking steps, at your request, to enter into such a contract and our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of our website and business OR specify basis.

2.10 We may process information that you provide to us for the purpose of subscribing to our email notifications and/or newsletters ("notification data"). The notification data may be processed for the purposes of sending you the relevant notifications and/or newsletters. The legal basis for this processing is consent OR the performance of a contract between you and us and/or taking steps, at your request, to enter into such a contract OR specify basis.

2.11 We may process information contained in or relating to any communication that you send to us ("correspondence data"). The correspondence data may include the communication content and metadata associated with the communication.Our website will generate the metadata associated with communications made using the website contact forms. The correspondence data may be processed for the purposes of communicating with you and record-keeping. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of our website and business and communications with users.

2.12 We may process identify general category of data. This data may include list specific items of data. The source of this data is identify source. This data may be processed for specify purposes. The legal basis for this processing is consent OR our legitimate interests, namely specify legitimate interestsOR the performance of a contract between you and us and/or taking steps, at your request, to enter into such a contract OR specify basis.

2.13 We may process any of your personal data identified in this policy where necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, whether in court proceedings or in an administrative or out-of-court procedure. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely the protection and assertion of our legal rights, your legal rights and the legal rights of others.

2.14 We may process any of your personal data identified in this policy where necessary for the purposes of obtaining or maintaining insurance coverage, managing risks, or obtaining professional advice. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely the proper protection of our business against risks.

2.15 In addition to the specific purposes for which we may process your personal data set out in this Section 2, we may also process any of your personal data where such processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, or in order to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another natural person.

2.16 Please do not supply any other person's personal data to us, unless we prompt you to do so.

3. Providing your personal data to others

3.1 We may disclose your personal data to any member of our group of companies (this means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and all its subsidiaries) insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes, and on the legal bases, set out in this policy.

3.2 We may disclose your personal data to our insurers and/or professional advisers insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes of obtaining or maintaining insurance coverage, managing risks, obtaining professional advice, or the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, whether in court proceedings or in an administrative or out-of-court procedure.

3.3 We may disclose data to our suppliers or subcontractors only insofar as reasonably necessary to process your order or request.

3.4 Financial transactions relating to our website and services are handled by our payment services providers, STRIPE. We will share transaction data with our payment services providers only to the extent necessary for the purposes of processing your payments, refunding such payments and dealing with complaints and queries relating to such payments and refunds. You can find information about the payment services providers' privacy policies and practices at

3.5 We may disclose your enquiry data to one or more of those selected third party suppliers of goods and services identified on our website for the purpose of enabling them to contact you so that they can offer, market and sell to you relevant goods and/or services. Each such third party will act as a data controller in relation to the enquiry data that we supply to it; and upon contacting you, each such third party will supply to you a copy of its own privacy policy, which will govern that third party's use of your personal data.

3.6 In addition to the specific disclosures of personal data set out in this Section 3, we may disclose your personal data where such disclosure is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, or in order to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another natural person. We may also disclose your personal data where such disclosure is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, whether in court proceedings or in an administrative or out-of-court procedure.

4. International transfers of your personal data

4.1 In this Section 4, we provide information about the circumstances in which your personal data may be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

4.2 We and our other group companies have offices and facilities in The United KingdomThe European Commission has made an "adequacy decision" with respect to the data protection laws of each of these countries. Transfers to each of these countries will be protected by appropriate safeguards, namely the use of standard data protection clauses adopted or approved by the European Commission.

4.3 The hosting facilities for our website are situated in Dublin The European Commission has made an "adequacy decision" with respect to the data protection laws of each of these countries. Transfers to each of these countries will be protected by appropriate safeguards, namely the use of standard data protection clauses adopted or approved by the European Commission.

4.4 The European Commission has made an "adequacy decision" with respect to the data protection laws of each of these countries. Transfers to each of these countries will be protected by appropriate safeguards, namely the use of standard data protection clauses adopted or approved by the European Commission.

4.5 You acknowledge that personal data that you submit for publication through our website or services may be available, via the internet, around the world. We cannot prevent the use (or misuse) of such personal data by others.

5. Retaining and deleting personal data

5.1 This Section 5 sets out our data retention policies and procedure, which are designed to help ensure that we comply with our legal obligations in relation to the retention and deletion of personal data.

5.2 Personal data that we process for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.

5.3 We will retain your personal data as follows:

(a) personal data (Name and Address) will be retained for a minimum period of one year following 1st subscription if you have not placed an order and for a minimum of 6 Years if you have placed an order.

5.4 In some cases it is not possible for us to specify in advance the periods for which your personal data will be retained. In such cases, we will determine the period of retention based on the following criteria:

(a) the period of retention of address and billing details will be determined based on your activity as a customer

5.5 Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section 5, we may retain your personal data where such retention is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, or in order to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another natural person.

6. Amendments

6.1 We may update this policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website.

6.2 You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are happy with any changes to this policy.

6.3 We may OR will notify you of changes OR significant changes to this policy by email or through the private messaging system on our website.

7. Your rights

7.1 In this Section 7, we have summarised the rights that you have under data protection law. Some of the rights are complex, and not all of the details have been included in our summaries. Accordingly, you should read the relevant laws and guidance from the regulatory authorities for a full explanation of these rights.

7.2 Your principal rights under data protection law are:

(a) the right to access;

(b) the right to rectification;

(c) the right to erasure;

(d) the right to restrict processing;

(e) the right to object to processing;

(f) the right to data portability;

(g) the right to complain to a supervisory authority; and

(h) the right to withdraw consent.

7.3 You have the right to confirmation as to whether or not we process your personal data and, where we do, access to the personal data, together with certain additional information. That additional information includes details of the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data concerned and the recipients of the personal data. Providing the rights and freedoms of others are not affected, we will supply to you a copy of your personal data. The first copy will be provided free of charge, but additional copies may be subject to a reasonable fee.

7.4 You have the right to have any inaccurate personal data about you rectified and, taking into account the purposes of the processing, to have any incomplete personal data about you completed.

7.5 In some circumstances you have the right to the erasure of your personal data without undue delay. Those circumstances include: the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; you withdraw consent to consent-based processing; you object to the processing under certain rules of applicable data protection law; the processing is for direct marketing purposes; and the personal data have been unlawfully processed. However, there are exclusions of the right to erasure. The general exclusions include where processing is necessary: for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information; for compliance with a legal obligation; or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

7.6 In some circumstances you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. Those circumstances are: you contest the accuracy of the personal data; processing is unlawful but you oppose erasure; we no longer need the personal data for the purposes of our processing, but you require personal data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; and you have objected to processing, pending the verification of that objection. Where processing has been restricted on this basis, we may continue to store your personal data. However, we will only otherwise process it: with your consent; for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person; or for reasons of important public interest.

7.7 You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data on grounds relating to your particular situation, but only to the extent that the legal basis for the processing is that the processing is necessary for: the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of any official authority vested in us; or the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party. If you make such an objection, we will cease to process the personal information unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing is for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

7.8 You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes (including profiling for direct marketing purposes). If you make such an objection, we will cease to process your personal data for this purpose.

7.9 You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data for scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes on grounds relating to your particular situation, unless the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for reasons of public interest.

7.10 To the extent that the legal basis for our processing of your personal data is:

(a) consent; or

(b) that the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are party or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract, and such processing is carried out by automated means, you have the right to receive your personal data from us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. However, this right does not apply where it would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

7.11 If you consider that our processing of your personal information infringes data protection laws, you have a legal right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority responsible for data protection. You may do so in the EU member state of your habitual residence, your place of work or the place of the alleged infringement.

7.12 To the extent that the legal basis for our processing of your personal information is consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing before the withdrawal.

7.13 You may exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal data by written notice to us.

8. About cookies

8.1 A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

8.2 Cookies may be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.

8.3 Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

9. Cookies that we use

9.1 We use cookies for the following purposes:

(a) authentication - we use cookies to identify you when you visit our website and as you navigate our website.

(b) status - we use cookies to help us to determine if you are logged into our website.

(c) personalisation - we use cookies to store information about your preferences and to personalise the website for you.

(d) security - we use cookies as an element of the security measures used to protect user accounts, including preventing fraudulent use of login credentials, and to protect our website and services generally.

(e) advertising - we use cookies to help us to display advertisements that will be relevant to you

(f) analysis - we use cookies to help us to analyse the use and performance of our website and services

(g) cookie consent - we use cookies to store your preferences

10. Cookies used by our service providers

10.1 Our service providers use cookies and those cookies may be stored on your computer when you visit our website.

10.2 We use Google Analytics to analyse the use of our website. Google Analytics gathers information about website use by means of cookies. The information gathered relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of our website. Google's privacy policy is available at:

10.3 We publish Google AdSense interest-based advertisements on our website. These are tailored by Google to reflect your interests. To determine your interests, We publish Google AdSense advertisements on our website. To determine your interests, Google will track your behaviour on our website and on other websites across the web using cookies. This behaviour tracking allows Google to tailor the advertisements that you see on other websites to reflect your interests (but we do not publish interest-based advertisements on our website). You can view, delete or add interest categories associated with your browser by visiting: You can also opt out of the AdSense partner network cookie using those settings or using the Network Advertising Initiative's multi-cookie opt-out mechanism at: However, these opt-out mechanisms themselves use cookies, and if you clear the cookies from your browser your opt-out will not be maintained. To ensure that an opt-out is maintained in respect of a particular browser, you may wish to consider using the Google browser plug-ins available at:

11. Managing cookies

11.1 Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies and to delete cookies. The methods for doing so vary from browser to browser, and from version to version. You can however obtain up-to-date information about blocking and deleting cookies via these links:




(d) Explorer);

(e); and


11.2 Blocking all cookies will have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites.

11.3 If you block cookies, you will not be able to use all the features on our website.

12. Our details

12.1 This website is owned and operated by The Hidden K9 Limited

12.2 We are registered in England and Wales under registration number 14582579, and our registered office is at 71-75 Shelton Street - London - WC2H 9JQ - The Hidden K9 is a trading name of The Hidden K9 Limited Limited

12.3 You can contact us:

(a) by post, to the postal address given above;

(b) by email -

13. Data protection officer

13.1 Our data protection officer is Colin Webster and he can be contacted by the above means.​

Copyright - Trade Marks registered | The Hidden K9 Limited

Privacy Policy and Terms of Business

The Hidden K9 is a trading name of The Hidden K9 Limited - 14582579

Member of the IACP - International Association of Canine Professionals