Firstly what is Separation Anxiety and what does it look like. My view on genuine Separation Anxiety is that it’s not as common as people think. In serious cases you would be seeing one of these things happen;
1 - Toileting in the house or crate (to be expected in puppies).
2 - Destructive to Property (not just chewing from boredom).
3 - Self Harming - so anxious that the dog will self harm.
It’s likely that if your dog is whining, barking and crying for a while when you leave them it’s nothing more than brattish behaviour, it’s normal for dogs to try this to keep you around.
The tricky thing is working out wether you have obnoxious behaviours that need to be trained out, or wether in fact you have a bonafide case of Separation Anxiety. I am able to help you decide which is the best plan to follow. Using indoor cameras is a great way to observe and assess this behaviour. It’s a really solid way to actually see what is going on in the brain and means we can plot out the right actions quickly.
If we are dealing with brattish behaviour we will likely design a behaviour modification plan designed to eliminate this demanding behaviour quickly. There are a few ways of doing this and we just need to make sure we get the choices right for your dog.
If however we are dealing with genuine Separation Anxiety we need to follow a very specific protocol. We have been very successful in cases where we use a very passive method of desensitisation, we design a modification schedule for you based on the severity of the anxiety and your lifestyle.
Separation Anxiety is one of the more complex behaviours to work with but other than time nothing much varies with the treatment. It’s mostly about allowing the brain to process and come to terms with being left.
I have an amazing technique using body language and energy, most of our clients are able to see changes on day 1 but it takes time.
Join me on a free call to discuss your particular case!
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